Blessed Virgin

美 [blest ˈvɜːrdʒɪn]英 [blest ˈvɜːdʒɪn]
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Blessed VirginBlessed Virgin
  1. You prayed to the Blessed Virgin that you might not have a red nose .


  2. Before the 16th century Protestant Reformation , ordinary people would commonly have referred to the Blessed Virgin Mary as " Our Lady , " as Roman Catholics still do .


  3. Blessed virgin , pray for the death of this fish .


  4. Firstly , I introduced the origin of the devotion to the Blessed Virgin Mary and its early development briefly .


  5. The western scholars have already done comparatively systematic research on the Blessed Virgin Mary , and have made fruitful achievements .


  6. Madonna ( the Blessed Virgin Mary ), one of the important figures in Christian theology , is widely worshiped in the Middle Ages Europe .


  7. The female subject is the main form of the early Christian art , which includes the female Christian image , the blessed virgin Mary image and the classical goddess image .


  8. Choral music in the modern sense came into being in the fifteenth century , it was an era of fervent devotion : to the Blessed Virgin , the Mass and the Magnificat .


  9. Today , Kaptol comprises the eastern half of Upper Town , anchored by the city 's most famous building : the Cathedral of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary , restored after an 1880 earthquake , and the site of the tomb of the beatified Cardinal Alojzije Stepinac .
